Instapaper: Export


  1. 我眼中的产品,产品分类维度方法论
  2. GitHub 漫游指南 – GitHub 漫游指南
  3. The shape of open source | The GitHub Blog
  4. 如何为开源做贡献
  5. 干货!史上最全的三维建模软件应用分类

Product Management

  1. MVP:如何做好产品的商业化核算确保产品盈利? | 人人都是产品经理
  2. 我搜集了20个SAAS产品,总结出6种定价策略 | 人人都是产品经理
  3. Product Management: Main Stages and Product Manager Role
  4. A Product Manager’s Beginner Guide to Wireframes
  5. 6 Ways to Validate a Product Idea Before You Waste Your Time and Money
  6. Techniques for Product Ideation: Generation, Selection and Implementation
  7. 微信读书 App 用户体验报告 | 人人都是产品经理
  8. 如何写好产品使用手册:给你客户最好的实践 而不仅仅是FAQ | 产品壹佰
  9. 如何科学地评估一个需求? | 产品壹佰
  10. The "Full-Stack" Product Manager
  11. PRD1.0分享:全面通用的移动端产品需求文档
  12. The Evolution of Modern Product Discovery | Product Talk
  13. 用户体验地图和服务蓝图的区别(译文)
  14. 专访 MarginNote:我还是希望它保持专注 - 数码荔枝
  15. How to Turn Your Idea Into a Product (and Launch It!)
  16. 产品经理是否需要做运营? | 人人都是产品经理
  17. How to Make Things High-Quality – The Year of the Looking Glass – Medium
  18. Agile Framework Comparison: Scrum vs Kanban vs Lean vs XP - DZone Agile
  19. UX Design – Storyboards, User Epics, User stories, User Research
  20. Complete Beginner's Guide to UX Research | UX Booth
  21. Evernote - Unsolicited redesign — Darren Blum
  22. A Beginner's Guide to User Journey Mapping
  23. User testing: what, why and how? Everything you need to know about user testing on websites
  24. Story Mapping, Visual Way of Building Product Backlog
  25. 7 Strategies to Choose the Best Features for Your Product
  26. 6 Ways to Prioritize Your Product Backlog
  27. The Difference Between a Flat Product Backlog and a User Story Map
  28. The Amazing Journey of a User Story –
  29. 写给新人的BA工作说明书
  30. Seven management and planning tools - Wikipedia
  31. What is the difference between an engineer and a product manager?
  32. The $1,500 iPhone – 500ish Words
  33. Addicted to your Smartphone? This Formula is Why
  34. 怀念乔布斯,苹果创业初期的八大杀手级产品 | 界面新闻
  35. 产品经理的职责有哪些?到底该做什么?
  36. The Four Capabilities Behind Great Leadership
  37. How to manage your resume like a product – Savar Sareen – Medium
  38. Landing an entry level PM/APM role – Marc Baselga – Medium
  39. 让用户玩手机上瘾,高粘性 App 设计者有何秘诀?
  40. 3 Best Practices for Adopting Continuous Product Discovery
  41. Pitching a product idea
  42. Five Exercises to Practice Product Sense – Jackie Bavaro – Medium
  43. Day in the Life of a Product Manager
  44. Cracking the PM Interview - YouTube
  45. Building Products – The Year of the Looking Glass – Medium


  1. 高性能笔记本丨2021年游戏本选购科普与攻略(2021.05)
  2. 2021游戏本推荐(高性价比游戏笔记本电脑)


  1. 手把手教你挑选二手游戏本!
  2. New M1 iMac vs Intel: Specs, features, price, more - 9to5Mac
  3. Weird Apple design: “Spring Loaded” edition
  4. 画画setup
  5. 左派 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  6. Confronting Violence Against Asians, Biden Says That ‘We Cannot Be Complicit’
  7. Nintendo Talks About The Switch's Lifespan
  8. ongoing by Tim Bray · Bye, Amazon
  9. The day I became a millionaire
  10. Why The Hell Would Anyone Watch A 24-Hour Car Race? An Explainer
  11. 麦肯锡:全球消费者正在抵御标签诱惑、告别中端消费 | 界面新闻
  12. 卡片日记 (Card Diary) -- 做最简洁的日记应用
  13. What I look for in product management software
  14. The Brexit Plan Just Failed Again in Parliament: What Happened, and What’s Next?
  15. Four Keys to Successful Remote Product Management | ProductCraft by Pendo
  16. Signal v Noise exits Medium – Signal v. Noise – Medium
  17. 谈谈我的"三观" | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell
  18. Trump Delays a Tariff Deadline, Citing Progress in China Trade Talks
  19. What do you mean by “Event-Driven”?
  20. Annotation Is Now a Web Standard
  21. Reading with a pencil
  22. Regret-stergram – DHH – Medium
  23. Good/Bad Remote Worker – Wildbit – Medium
  24. 【深度】人人车败退:8500万美元与破灭的乌托邦 | 界面新闻
  25. How about fixing the workplace rather than avoiding it at 4am?
  26. 英国旅游的风土人情-月光博客
  27. Become A Facebook-Free Business – Signal v. Noise
  28. 困兽Snapchat的社交角斗场生存之路 | 界面新闻
  29. 金融危机十年的四张中国面孔 | 界面 · JMedia
  30. Formula 1 drivers' styles compared - Autosport Performance
  31. The best laptop ever made –
  32. The impossible dream of USB-C –
  33. “MP3 is dead” missed the real, much better story –
  34. What does Stack Overflow want to be when it grows up?
  35. iPhones are hard to use  ¶  Personal Weblog of Joe Clark, Toronto
  36. Bloomberg’s spy chip story reveals the murky world of national security reporting
  37. What Businessweek got wrong about Apple
  38. Interpol chief vanishes on Chinese trip
  39. SF-LOVERS: the Little-Known Story of the Internet’s First Social Network


  1. 有哪些特别好看的日漫? - 知乎
  2. The Benefits of Handwriting vs. Typing [Infographic]
  3. ‎《使徒来袭!》:App Store 故事
  4. ‎《我爱你,所以创造了一个世界》:App Store 故事
  5. Flow – Treemagineers Blog
  6. 白话中台战略-3:中台的定义
  7. The AI apocalypse is already here
  8. 樊东方的个人简历
  9. Why do business analysts and project managers get higher salaries than programmers?
  10. PDF Font encoding -- why can't I copy text from a PDF?
  11. Difference between full embedded fonts and embedded subset – Zmags Publicator Community
  12. noduslabs/infranodus
  13. Drawing And Painting Workshop :: linear Perspective
  14. Does Education “Kill” Creativity? – Hacker Noon
  15. Studies suggest cellphone radiation doesn't threaten humans
  16. 实数、超实数和博弈游戏:数学的结构之美 | Matrix67: The Aha Moments
  17. The 18 Best Read It Later and Bookmarking Apps | Zapier
  18. Clash Royale皇室战争战场技巧:克制、放置、套路详细解读_手心攻略
  19. 近几年来的日本动画有哪些值得推荐? - 知乎
  20. A new study shows that students learn way more effectively from print textb


  1. How Forza overtook Need for Speed to become the world's biggest racing IP
  2. Games of the Decade: Forza Horizon transcends racing games
  3. Insurgency: Sandstorm - February 2021 Community Update Blog - Steam 新闻
  4. State of Production #18 | New World Interactive
  5. What exactly goes into porting a video game? BlitWorks explains
  6. Steam in Graphs in 2019
  7. Steam :: Steam Blog :: PC 游戏中控制器的使用情况


  1. Typora配合PicGo和七牛云实现图床 - SegmentFault 思否
  2. The mythical 10x programmer - <antirez>
  3. Fixing photo and video file metadata with ExifTool
  4. 印象笔记的本质是知识结构组织工具 – Definiter's Blog
  5. Post-Evernote: How to Migrate Your Evernote Notes, Images and Tags into Plain Text Markdown - Minding the Borderlands
  6. Workflow + Drafts + 七牛云,用更酷的姿势写作
  7. 稍后电影短评(二):用 Editorial + Workflow 打造自动化流程
  8. 手写笔记数字化,不只是扫描成文档那么简单:Carbo
  9. 完全用命令行工作: 几条趁手语句
  10. 完全用命令行工作-5: 完结篇
  11. 完全用命令行工作-4: 苹果图形界面脚本化
  12. 完全用命令行工作-3: 常用的命令行工具
  13. 完全用命令行工作-2: 常用软件
  14. 完全用命令行工作 — 一年后的思考
  15. 完全用命令行工作-1: 拔掉你的鼠标
  16. Todon't


  1. How to Calm Down: 15 Things to Do When You’re Anxious or Angry


  1. Digging into Docker layers
  2. OOBootcamp 回顾与总结
  3. 如何爱上结对编程
  4. Learn Git Branching
  5. Test Doubles: in theory, in Minitest and in RSpec · Ilija Eftimov
  6. Arrays as parameters to functions
  7. Evaluation strategy - Wikipedia
  8. Chapter 9
  9. Are you a bad developer if you don't take on side projects?
  10. CloudKit - no server-side logic?
  11. View Controller Programming Guide for iOS: Using Segues
  12. How much of the Mythical Man Month still applies?
  13. How is architectural design done in an agile environment?
  14. Why is it hard to scale a database, in layman’s terms?
  15. Practical UML™: A Hands-On Introduction for Developers
  16. Creating a language using only assembly language - Speaker Deck
  17. 谈谈领域建模 | Yilun Fan's Blog
  18. MapReduce - Hadoop Tutorial - YDN
  19. Get Docker CE for Ubuntu | Docker Documentation
  20. 在微服务中使用领域事件 – ThoughtWorks洞见
  21. Python — Homebrew Documentation
  22. 从“四色建模法”到“限界纸笔建模法” – ThoughtWorks洞见
  23. Guide to Escaping Characters in Java RegExps | Baeldung
  24. The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code – Joel on Software
  25. H.264 is magic: a technical walkthrough of a remarkable technology.
  26. Chrome开发者工具的小技巧
  27. Test Doubles: in theory, in Minitest and in RSpec · Ilija Eftimov
  28. Effective Objective-C: Minimize Importing Headers in Headers - CSDN博客
  29. 插图版:领域驱动的微服务架构设计工作坊实施步骤
  30. My Google Search History – Tutorial · Lisa Charlotte Rost
  31. How to Write a Git Commit Message
  32. Ember Data: A Tutorial and Examples of the Ember.js Data Library | Toptal
  33. TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH)
  34. How to Speed Up Your App's API Consumption — SitePoint
  35. Starting and Stopping Background Services with Homebrew
  36. AWK 简明教程 | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell
  37. How To Add a Search Bar in Table View | iOS Programming Tutorial
  38. Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions on Ubuntu Server
  39. Client-Side vs. Server-Side Rendering
  40. HTML5 Custom Data Attributes (data-*) | HTML5 Doctor
  41. 5 Chrome Extensions For Faster Navigation
  42. Dynamic programming language - Wikipedia
  43. 浏览器的渲染原理简介 | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell
  44. PatchPhilosophy - linux Kernel Newbies
  45. Include directive - Wikipedia
  46. Android SDK更新以及ADT更新出现问题的解决办法_五步蛇_新浪博客
  47. Why mobile web apps are slow
  48. sed 简明教程 | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell
  49. Evaluation strategy - Wikipedia
  50. 20 Design Patterns and Software Design Interview Questions for Programmers
  51. Big Ball of Mud


  1. 三国 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


  1. No, the new iMac isn't ugly. The design and colors are a breath of fresh air
  2. Visual Aesthetics
  3. What is Aesthetics?
  4. Product Design: Let's get Emotional - Mind the Product
  5. Atomic Design Methodology | Atomic Design by Brad Frost
  6. 【图】设计师传记(13)Mini之父艾斯高尼斯_汽车之家
  7. The Most Influential Designers of All Time
  8. 【图】设计师传记(10)日本忍者奥山清行_汽车之家
  9. 【图】设计师传记(1) 克里斯·班戈的世界_汽车之家
  10. 【图】设计师传记(2)世纪大师—乔治亚罗_汽车之家
  11. (1) Paul Bracq, a BMW designer of the 70s. #BMWstories - YouTube
  12. Aesthetic Judgment (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
  13. Jony Ive: The man behind Apple's magic curtain
  14. What is good design?


  1. Overview of Safari for Windows: history, pros and cons
  2. Apple macOS 10.15 vs. Windows 10 vs. Ubuntu 19.10 Performance Benchmarks - Phoronix
  3. How The Big Five Tech Companies Make Their Money, Visualized
  4. The World Wide Web turns 30: our favorite memories from A to Z
  5. How does online tracking actually work? | Robert Heaton
  6. 写给非专业人士看的 Shadowsocks 简介 | 綠茶如是说
  7. Infrastructure Platform Progress Metrics · Digital Platform Strategy
  8. Observability Current State Discovery Questions · Digital Platform Strategy
  9. Monitoring Practices · Digital Platform Strategy
  10. 科技股经历十年来最大单月暴跌-月光博客
  11. What If We Could Weaponize Empathy?
  12. Intel's future computers have two screens
  13. The Software Side of China’s Supply Chain Attack
  14. A Brief History of High Availability
  15. China Used a Tiny Chip in a Hack That Infiltrated Amazon and Apple
  16. On Google's 20th birthday, here's a reminder of how dominant it's become
  17. Microsoft suspends development of touch-friendly Office apps for Windows
  18. How We Hacked Reddit to Generate 5 Million Media Impressions in 3 days
  19. Massive Disruption Is Coming With Quantum Computing
  20. Monetisation analysis / research
  21. The Future of Chat Isn’t AI
  22. What’s holding back VR? | TechCrunch
  23. Windows Phone is now officially dead: A sad tale of what might have been
  24. AMP: the missing controversy – Ferdy Christant
  25. Privacy concerns caused WhatsApp founders to leave Facebook
  26. Former Apple Employee Charged With Theft of Trade Secrets Related to Autono
  27. How iFixit Became King of the iPhone Teardown
  28. Apple’s new Intel driven MacBook Pros have a secondary ARM processor that r
  29. Why Deep Learning Works – Artificial Understanding
  30. Gagallium : How I found a bug in Intel Skylake processors
  31. 24-core CPU and I can’t move my mouse
  32. Something is wrong on the internet
  33. The Facebook Algorithm Mom Problem
  34. Regis McKenna’s 1976 Notebook And The Invention Of Apple Computer, Inc.
  35. What’s Next in Computing? – Software Is Eating the World – Medium
  36. Massive Disruption Is Coming With Quantum Computing
  37. Apple: When are you going to fix Siri? | Philip Elmer‑DeWitt
  38. Apple CEO Tim Cook talks ahead of iPhone 7 launch about advice, AI/AR, and
  39. Mobile App Backend Services | Solutions | Google Cloud
  40. Alex Gibney’s New Documentary Paints An Ambivalent Portrait Of Steve Jobs
  41. GitHub language trends and the fragmenting landscape
  42. Don't use Hadoop - your data isn't that big - Chris Stucchio
  43. 为什么看电视从来不会卡? | 问答 | 问答 | 果壳网 科技有意思
  44. Apple’s iOS 7 includes a surprise: a ticket to the next generation of the i
  45. What’s holding back VR?
  46. 日本半导体业兴衰背后到底发生了什么? | 界面新闻
  47. Ford using hologram goggles to design cars
  48. There is a 'game changer' technology on Wall Street and people keep confusi
  49. Alipay has shifted its fee structure


  1. How Google's Grand Plan to Make Stadia Games Fell Apart
  2. 盈利能力(净资产收益率)
  3. Profit Margin Ratio | Analysis | Formula | Example
  4. 【更新】一条横跨 20 年的轨迹,从卓越网到亚马逊中国的计划退出
  5. The ineluctable middlemen - The travel business
  6. How to Research Your Market
  7. Conducting Market Research
  8. Overcast’s 2014 sales numbers –
  9. The MBA Myth and the Cult of the CEO
  10. maplelin: 公司基本面简析-索菲亚(2018-01) 公司基本情况 公司主要从事全屋定制家具及配套家居产品的设计、生产及销售,为消费者提供全屋定制的空间解决方案,产品主要品牌... - 雪球
  11. How Honda lost its mojo - and the mission to get it back
  12. 钉钉刺痛腾讯,万亿企服市场的沉默战争-月光博客
  13. 快看 | 全球裁员潮来袭?中国的房企、互联网和国外车企压力不小 | 界面新闻
  14. 深度长文 | 金融危机十周年祭
  15. Xbox One X and PS4 Pro: The Mid-Cycle Strategy Explained
  16. Google+社交媒体的死亡-月光博客
  17. 共享单车的梦醒时分-月光博客
  18. 美国当年对日元国际化的“绞杀”
  19. 上市破发启示录:2018年互联网公司能从泡沫时代学到什么? | 界面 · JMedia
  20. B站二季度收入10.3亿元同比增76%,陈睿表示App下架未改变增长 | 界面新闻
  21. How Facebook stole the news business
  22. Monetisation analysis / research
  23. Netflix is moving television beyond time-slots and national markets
  24. How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You've Ever Met
  25. Saudi Money Fuels the Tech Industry. It’s Time to Ask Why.
  26. How linkedIn Went From 500,000 to 500 Million Users in 13 Years
  27. Economics 101
  28. RethinkDB: why we failed
  29. It's Official: Foxconn and Sharp Inked Their Deal
  30. 2016正在远去的消费互联网时代
  31. Chinese hotel firm buys Yamashiro property in Hollywood Hills
  32. China’s $6.5 billion Blackstone hotel deal could ruin the secret meetings o
  33. The confidential internal slides that show why Apple is making a bigger iPh
  34. Why Valve? Or, what do we need corporations for and how does Valve’s manage
  35. Are Apps The Future of Book Publishing?
  36. 为什么 Facebook 领先 Twitter,而新浪微博用户量却超过人人? - 知乎
  37. How to Start a Startup
  38. The Downfall of Doppler Labs: Inside the Last Days of a Hardware Startup |
  39. 新零售依然答卷潦草 去掉滤镜你会看清这一道道难题 | 界面新闻
  40. Inside the lives of America's anxious 1% — who hide housekeepers and nannie
  41. The advertising industry has been living a lie
  42. 马云:阿里将用技术获取利润 投入1000亿开始做研究(附演讲全文)-华尔街见闻
  43. After abandoning iAd revenue, Apple Inc can reintroduce an ad-free internet

handprint : elements of perspective

  1. 0 handprint : elements of perspective
  2. 2 handprint : central perspective
  3. 3 handprint : two point perspective
  4. 4 handprint : three point perspective
  5. 5 handprint : advanced perspective techniques
  6. 6 handprint : shadows, reflections & atmosphere
  7. 1 handprint : perspective in the world

Book: An Introduction to Business

  1. Chapter 16: The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business
  2. Chapter 15: Managing Information and Technology
  3. Chapter 14: Personal Finances
  4. Chapter 13: Managing Financial Resources
  5. Chapter 12: The Role of Accounting in Business
  6. Chapter 11: Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Industries
  7. Chapter 10: Product Design and Development
  8. Chapter 9: Marketing: Providing Value to Customers
  9. Chapter 8: Teamwork and Communications
  10. Chapter 7: Recruiting, Motivating, and Keeping Quality Employees
  11. Chapter 6: Managing for Business Success
  12. Chapter 5: The Challenges of Starting a Business
  13. Chapter 4: Selecting a Form of Business Ownership
  14. Chapter 3: Business in a Global Environment
  15. Chapter 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  16. Chapter 1: The Foundations of Business
  17. An Introduction to Business - Table of Contents


  1. Explain it like I’m 5: What is a Product Designer?
  2. 在美国生活6年了,谈谈自己的感受吧 | brainrpi | 天涯_海外华人_脱水整理版
  3. Coding for freedom - YuanFu’s blog | MrFu blog
  4. What I learned while working as an indie developer for 2 years
  5. Everything I know about freelancing | Andy Adams
  6. 数字产品经理的培养 – ThoughtWorks洞见
  7. 2016 in review: My second year as a full-time indie app developer
  8. How Hard Is To Be An Indie Mobile Developer?
  9. 迎接新时代——新西兰技术移民改革尘埃落定(长文) - Jack Liu博客
  10. You probably won’t make it to the top
  11. 人到三十,熟能生厌——职业瓶颈如何破? - 界面新闻
  12. Five universal tools to make your arguments more convincing
  13. BA的广度和深度 – ThoughtWorks洞见
  14. How this daily worksheet improves my life by 10x – ART marketing
  15. 在ThoughtWorks做BA是怎样一种体验? – ThoughtWorks洞见
  16. Career Path of a Programmer - CenturyLink Cloud Developer Center
  17. Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself
  18. The importance of side projects – The Year of the Looking Glass – Medium
  19. 11 Ways To Fit Relaxation Into A Busy Schedule, Because You Deserve A Break
  20. How to be persuasive – Be Yourself
  21. The mystery of work-life balance – The Year of the Looking Glass – Medium
  22. Unintuitive Things I’ve Learned about Management (Part 1)
  23. What To Do When You Have Too Many Passions | Personal Excellence
  24. 对刚入职场几年的新人有哪些建议和忠告? - 知乎
  25. 程序员技术练级攻略 | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell
  26. 阿里巴巴和腾讯的职级体系与对应的待遇是什么样的? - 知乎
  27. Jackie’s PM Interview Tips – Jackie Bavaro – Medium
  28. How to save your vision if you stare at screens all day


  1. 中东战火为何燃?
  2. 犹太人和阿拉伯人何以有三千年恩怨
  3. 【专访】世界经济论坛大中华区首席代表:我们如何应对全球化4.0带来的挑战? | 界面新闻
  4. LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership's Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election | Breitbart
  5. Investing In ICOs May Be Even Riskier Than You Realize
  6. What is Broadcom, and why is it trying to buy Qualcomm?
  7. Trump Is Leaving Japan Empty-Handed on Trade
  8. Commerce Secretary’s Offshore Ties to Putin ‘Cronies’
  9. The Paradise Papers: Revelations Spring From Leaked Records Of World's Weal
  10. Trump's H-1B Reform Is to Make life Hell for Immigrants and Companies
  11. Facebook's DC Nightmare Is Just Beginning
  12. The largest leak of secret documents in history was just released — here ar


  1. Your Life in Weeks
  2. Letter to My Younger Asian-American Self
  3. 12 Things People Regret the Most Before They Die


  1. 何时买车最划算, 汽车价格走势分析
  2. 汽车选购篇(二)正确看待车型改款和换代时的价格变化
  3. The Sports Car Is in Serious Trouble
  4. 遗憾还不够多吗?2020款 BRZ提车作业_斯巴鲁BRZ论坛_手机汽车之家
  5. The disappearing stick shift: Less than 3% of cars sold in the U.S. have manual transmissions
  6. 中日韩争霸,新一代电池技术鹿死谁手?
  7. Every Photo of the New 2019 Mazda 3 Hatchback and Sedan
  8. iVTEC with Variable Timing Control (VTC) - Honda New Zealand
  9. Here’s Where Toyota and BMW Parted Ways on the New Supra
  10. 堵车了怎么办?看完这篇文章希望你能豁然开朗!
  11. 2019 Mazda3 gets only two engines in U.S.; here are details on suspension, AWD
  12. Elon Musk: Tesla boss on EVs with 500-mile range and colonies on Mars
  13. 【图】又快又准的狠角色 测试Model 3高性能版_汽车之家
  14. New Toyota Supra Will Make its Official Debut at the 2019 Detroit Auto Show
  15. 什么是驾驶乐趣? - 知乎
  16. How does a dynamometer work?
  17. 【WRC(世界汽车拉力锦标赛)】第1篇——WRC简介
  18. 玩赛车,要花多少钱?_新浪汽车_新浪网
  19. 发动机外特性曲线(工况图)疑惑 - CSDN博客
  20. 发动机转速、档位及车速的关系【图】_技术学堂_太平洋汽车网
  21. 拉力车手的方向-领航员路书 - 《尘埃3》 - 3DMGAME论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
  22. Reddit - cars - How can I shift gears more smoothly?
  23. How do gears multiply torque?
  24. 汽车手刹原理结构图_我有车
  25. 【番外篇】怎样成为一个赛车手
  26. Does "drifting" really work? [Archive] - Straight Dope Message Board
  27. 【图】低速行驶时顿挫,和行驶中顿挫,不是宝马变速箱的错。_宝马3系论坛_汽车之家论坛
  28. 简单公式教你如何计算你自己的车速 _ 卡车之家论坛
  29. 【图】乘蓝色风暴 追寻韩寒的拉力锦标比赛_汽车之家
  30. 【图】为平民打造的神车 高尔夫车系历史介绍_汽车之家
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  37. 【图】风靡全球的小车 嘉年华Fiesta历史回顾_汽车之家
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  40. 中国历史上最有驾驶乐趣的车,20、40、100万各五款_车家号_发现车生活_汽车之家
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  49. 致改装:摸清你的起点与边界
  50. 【文章】加油站问你要不要燃油添加剂,正确的回答应该是......_车家号_汽车之家
  51. 车子要前驱、后驱还是四驱?看完你就懂了_新浪汽车_新浪网
  52. 为啥欧系性能车一直繁荣而日系性能车日渐衰败-新闻频道-手机搜狐
  53. 飞度GK5用车改装体会,花小钱一样享受玩车乐趣!-新浪汽车
  54. 玩转手自一体变速箱(附革命性创意)_颜宇鹏_新车评网
  55. 换挡顿挫感原因分析_车家号_发现车生活_汽车之家
  56. 什么时候该做四轮定位?自己判断其实很简单!-手机新浪汽车
  57. 为什么那么多人买飞度改装成赛车下赛道?改装潜力在哪里? - 知乎
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  59. 中国历史上最有驾驶乐趣的车,20、40、100万各五款_车家号_发现车生活_汽车之家
  60. 【图】别光站着看 2015你能参加的民间赛事 _汽车之家
  61. 有哪些汽车配件能够提升驾驶乐趣? - 知乎
  62. 让您心中有数 汽车油路清洗须知二三事_新浪汽车_新浪网
  63. 不想被坑?二手车购买检查项目大盘点_视频_汽车之家
  64. 【文章】开车有什么乐趣?_车家号_汽车之家
  65. Twelve Normal Cars That Will Turn Anyone Into an Enthusiast
  66. 【图】前驱车的极致? 试驾第五代思域TYPE R_汽车之家
  67. Rev matching -
  68. Why Is Paddle Shift Killing the Manual Transmission, and is it a good thing
  69. 设计师传记_文章标签_汽车之家
  70. 经典发动机巡礼_文章标签_汽车之家

Julia Zhuo

  1. a-managers-manifesto
  2. matching-a-designer-to-the-right-project
  3. the-biggest-problem-in-design
  4. the-secret-of-the-chicken-and-the-egg
  5. my-dream-design-curriculum
  6. love-is
  7. 7-reasons-to-no-hire-a-product-designer-part-2
  8. the-year-of-the-invisibility-cloak
  9. 7-reasons-to-no-hire-a-product-designer-part-i
  10. how-to-work-with-pms
  11. the-eyedropper-sample-of-friendship
  12. introducing-origami-for-quartz-composer
  13. go-big-by-going-home
  14. stories-i-tell-myself-about-people-i-wish-i-knew
  15. the-fountain-of-creative-juices
  16. build-a-product-with-a-high-concept-problem
  17. average-manager-vs-great-manager
  18. 10-reasons-why-people-love-numbered-lists
  19. how-to-present-designs
  20. the-curmudgeonly-january
  21. 5-little-design-decisions-to-admire
  22. three-little-words-to-win-friends-and-influence-people
  23. what-my-dog-taught-me-about-social-media
  24. start-ups-versus-big-companies
  25. like-a-potato
  26. on-taste-part-i
  27. junior-designers-vs-senior-designers
  28. 7-reasons-to-no-hire-a-product-designer-part-3
  29. metrics-versus-experience
  30. the-use-of-the-term-shit-umbrella
  31. on-taste-part-3
  32. the-game-of-life
  33. should-you-use-medium
  34. your-symphony
  35. whatevers-best-for-the-people-thats-what-we-do
  36. unintuitive-things-i-ve-learned-about-management
  37. on-taste-part-2
  38. the-art-of-storytelling
  39. a-silicon-valley-limerick-epic
  40. quality-is-not-a-tradeoff
  41. the-tax-of-new
  42. the-year-of-the-looking-glass
  43. how-i-use-facebook
  44. build-a-trustworthy-design-process
  45. how-to-survive-in-design-and-in-a-zombie-apocalypse
  46. 5-hard-questions-to-ask-yourself-during-a-conflict
  47. growing-up
  48. we-are-the-future-generations-older-generation
  49. rising-above-the-shark-infested-waters-of-design
  50. things-learned-in-the-first-month-of-having-a-baby
  51. how-to-work-with-designers
  52. 8-unintuitive-lessons-on-being-a-designer
  53. why-designers-leave
  54. evolving-monetization
  55. the-pit-of-discomfiture
  56. how-to-work-with-engineers
  57. owning-it
  58. why-design
  59. design-illustrated-in-3-charts
  60. a-simple-guide-to-saying-no
  61. good-design
  62. dont-be-a-gatekeeper
  63. the-agony-and-ecstasy-of-building-with-data
  64. the-idea-person
  65. mobile-in-china
  66. what-vacation-means-to-me
  67. the-first-step-in-hard-conversations
  68. the-sanctity-of-your-calendar
  69. all-the-things-that-dont-matter
  70. the-future
  71. pearls-of-appreciation
  72. sharing
  73. how-to-do-a-product-critique
  74. how-to-get-a-designer
  75. how-to-think-about-your-career
  76. why-i-design-at-facebook
  77. invisible-design
  78. the-5-most-influential-things-i-read-this-year
  79. so-you-think-you-want-to-manage
  80. the-two-ways-of-building
  81. managing-with-martians
  82. how-to-be-that-designer
  83. perplexing-design-intentions
  84. metrics-a-story
  85. what-you-see-is-what-you-use
  86. the-death-of-users-and-product-design
  87. constraints-are-hard
  88. the-most-influential-things-i-read-this-year
  89. the-imposter-syndrome
  90. the-green-eyed-monster
  91. designs-north-star
  92. being-30-means
  93. battling-perfectionism
  94. letter-to-my-newborn-son
  95. the-beginning-of-your-design-career
  96. always-be-learning
  97. the-fears-of-going-back
  98. how-to-impress-an-interviewer
  99. writing-well
  100. the-5-most-common-mistakes-in-design
  101. keeping-morale-afloat
  102. tending-the-spark
  103. ten-years
  104. what-designers-can-learn-from-pms
  105. unintuitive-things-i-ve-learned-about-management-part-2
  106. when-design-feels-like-an-uphill-battle
  107. creative-confidence
  108. design-the-beginning
  109. a-matter-of-principle
  110. the-future-of-design-in-technology
  111. the-best-and-worst-of-silicon-valley
  112. what-do-i-do-at-work-all-day
  113. what-kind-of-design-work-should-i-do
  114. a-new-mother-s-identity-crisis
  115. write-in-2016
  116. building-products
  117. after-four-years-of-blogging-a-change
  118. staying-productive-during-rough-times
  119. taking-feedback-impersonally
  120. books-that-changed-my-perspective
  121. the-rising-tide-lifts-all-boats
  122. staying-in-the-discomfort-zone
  123. the-importance-of-side-projects
  124. avoiding-the-camel
  125. no-no-no
  126. the-mystery-of-work-life-balance
  127. how-to-define-success
  128. staying-motivated
  129. why-hire-more-designers
  130. how-do-you-set-metrics
  131. starting-well
  132. receiving-feedback
  133. what-to-expect-from-pms-part-2
  134. what-to-expect-from-pms
  135. addressing-executive-swoop-ins
  136. escaping-e-mail-hell
  137. managing-more-experienced-people
  138. responding-to-a-promotion-rejection
  139. launch-is-the-beginning-not-the-end
  140. finding-ideas
  141. pitching-a-product-idea
  142. the-4-stages-of-0-1-products
  143. many-ways-to-learn
  144. design-for-people-use-people-language
  145. good-pressure-bad-pressure
  146. how-to-be-strategic
  147. the-making-of-a-manager-a-handbook-for-new-leaders

Read of Julia Zhuo

  1. how-to-make-things-high-quality
  2. 5 steps for Disagreeing Effectively – Julie Zhuo – Medium


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  10. 中国都有哪些赛车赛事?都有何特点? - 知乎
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  1. 2019 Mazda3: Here's An Early Look At The Production Model Through Official Drawings | Carscoops
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  4. 【图】家用车的典范 马自达3车系历史回顾_汽车之家
  5. 【图】一款轿跑SUV的养成攻略 深扒马自达CX-4_汽车之家
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  6. 【图】力与美的完美结合 宝马敞篷车发展史_汽车之家
  7. 【图】“小”的只是尺寸 测试全新宝马118i_汽车之家
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  1. Rails routing and namespaced models (Example)
  2. Ruby on Rails Server options
  3. What's the difference between RSpec and Cucumber?
  4. How to run `rails generate scaffold` when the model already exists?
  5. Parallelism is a Myth in Ruby -
  6. rbenv/rbenv
  7. 4 Fantastic Ways to Set Up State in Minitest
  8. Working with time zones in Ruby on Rails — Varvet
  9. VIM and Ruby on Rails — match made in Heaven – BoTree Technologies
  10. leave your migrations in your Rails engines
  11. Effective Rails Development with Vim — SitePoint
  12. Direct to S3 Image Uploads in Rails | Heroku Dev Center
  13. ruby的class &lt;&lt; self, 及其class_eval和instance_eval的区别 - CSDN博客
  14. Brian Auton - Rails Token Authentication Without Devise
  15. 13 Ways of Looking at a Ruby Symbol | Random Hacks
  16. Ruby on Rails Study Guide: Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas
  17. Building and documenting API in Rails
  18. Uses for Modules, Part 1
  19. Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
  20. You never want to call html_safe in a Rails template – Bibliographic Wilder
  21. Ruby Blocks: Ruby Study Notes - Best Ruby Guide, Ruby Tutorial
  22. ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods
  23. Rails Tricks - Sharing the Model - Hiltmon
  24. Getting Started with Rails 4.x on Heroku | Heroku Dev Center
  25. Module: DRb (Ruby 1.9.3)
  26. Configuring Remote Interpreters - Ruby/Rails IDE Development - Confluence
  27. RSpec Best Practices (Behavior-Driven Development BDD tool for Ruby)
  28. html_safe and helpers in rails 3. Mystery solved. | TechSpry
  29. #204 XSS Protection in Rails 3 - RailsCasts
  30. Production Rails Tuning with Passenger: PassengerMaxProcesses
  31. Is Ruby interpreted or compiled? - Pat Shaughnessy
  32. Ruby Variables, Constants and Literals


  1. 4. Four ways to style react components – codeburst
  2. Usage with React - Redux
  3. How to Create a React app from scratch using Webpack 4
  4. Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web Apps – Airbnb Engineering & Da
  5. JavaScript Module Systems Showdown: CommonJS vs AMD vs ES2015
  6. Analyzing the NPM dependency network – Graph Commons
  7. Emscripten Tutorial — Emscripten 1.38.11 documentation
  8. Javascript 面向对象编程(一):封装 - 阮一峰的网络日志
  9. JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth
  10. The top 5 JavaScript templating engines | Creative Bloq
  11. Passing Objects to Functions By Value
  12. How to Create a Basic Plugin | jQuery Learning Center
  13. Namespacing in JavaScript – JavaScript, JavaScript...


  1. The Ten Minute Guide to diff and patch
  2. An Introduction to the Z Shell - Startup Files
  3. Linux process to background - relogin - how to bring process back to foreground?
  4. Redirecting Output from a Running Process
  5. Turn your Raspberry into an OpenVPN VPN-server
  6. 3 Ways to Set Up Your Raspberry Pi as a Media Server
  7. Article: Introduction to Das U-Boot, the universal open source bootloader
  8. The Rise and Fall of (Embedded) linux or What the hell went wrong? (possibl
  9. How to Install Ubuntu 16.10/16.04 Alongside With Windows 10 or 8 in Dual-Bo
  10. How to dual-boot Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7 |
  11. Create launcher and add icon to Unity in Ubuntu 13.04 / 12.10
  12. Setup Static DNS Servers in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) | Liberian Geek
  13. NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic - Community Help Wiki
  14. Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way
  15. How to Turn Your Home Ubuntu PC Into a LAMP Web Server
  16. Inside the Linux boot process

Vehicle Engineering

  1. 限滑差速器 详解汽车传动系统改装知识_改装知识 - 车主之家
  2. 【图文】“呼吸顺畅” 发动机进气及排气系统简介_新闻中心_易车网
  3. 汽车四轮定位参数如何影响操控-小新技研系列文章(六)
  4. 都说法国汽车的底盘好,但是怎样的汽车底盘才是好的底盘呢? - 知乎
  5. 3. Understanding ECU maps Part 1 - vagecumap
  6. It is all about horsepower... or is it? - OptimumG
  7. A Beginners Guide to Modifying A Car
  8. Modeling an Automatic Transmission Controller - MATLAB & Simulink


  1. 【图】2018翟元游记 福冈-东京5日美食之旅_汽车之家
  2. 【图】一篇很有意思的游记 第二次日本自驾游_汽车之家
  3. 【图】既熟悉又陌生的国度 日本广岛-京都游记_汽车之家
  4. 【图】有料之行 日本九州/四国7日自驾游记_汽车之家
  5. 【图】6天短暂感受真实的日本 横滨-九州游记_汽车之家
  6. 【图】从零开始学漂移 日本漂移学校体验之旅_汽车之家
  7. 【图】博览世界汽车发展史 观日本丰田博物馆_汽车之家
  8. 【图】寻不一样的日本 深度感受汽车改装文化_汽车之家
  9. 【图】感受纯正的汽车文化 第一次日本自驾游_汽车之家
  10. 【图】用心感受真实的日本 东京-大阪自由行_汽车之家
  11. 【图】札幌/小樽/登别/函馆 三人畅游北海道_汽车之家
  12. 如何开始学日语? - 知乎


  1. Secure input and output handling
  2. Firewall
  3. Introduction – hueniverse
  4. OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps | Google Identity Platform | Go
  5. End User Authentication with OAuth 2.0 — OAuth
  6. 理解OAuth 2.0 - 阮一峰的网络日志
  7. Root certificate - Wikipedia
  8. How do I let users log into my RESTful API? - The RESTful cookbook
  9. RFC 6750 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage

UI/UX Design

  1. No Cutting Corners on the iPhone X
  2. Chinese Mobile App UI Trends
  3. How Typography Affects Readers
  4. User Experience in Japan - ticket machines, toilets, restaurants, fax machines, and ATMs