- 6/5 开始学习Android开发(包括Kotlin语法)
- 6/10 开始学习Android开发7天/12小时视频课程
- 6/23 完成Android开发12小时视频课程学习
Android development course
This comprehensive, up-to-date Android Development for beginners course covers everything you need to start android development with Android Studio.
Day 01: Build Your First Android App
Course Introduction: 0:01
Android Studio: 6:48
Install Android Studio on Windows: 9:22
Install Android Studio on Mac: 21:23
Folder Structure of an Android App: 34:17
Build Your First Android App: 50:21
Download Android Studio: https://developer.android.com/studio
Code Samples: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/B…
References for self-studies: https://developer.android.com/courses…
Day 2: Kotlin Language Fundamentals & Activity Life Cycle
Introduction: 1:51:22
Kotlin Language Fundamentals: 1:52:35
Kotlin Playground: 1:52:58
Android Activity Lifecycle: 2:35:45
Object Oriented Kotlin: 2:57:44
Kotlin Playground: https://play.kotlinlang.org
Kotlin Keywords: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/keyword-r…
Activity Lifecycle: https://developer.android.com/guide/c…
Code Samples:
Android Activity Lifecycle
Starter Project: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/B…
Final Project: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/A…
References for self-studies: https://appdevnotes.com/kotlin-tutori…
Day 3: Shared Preferences, UI Design, Mathematical operations, Audio & Video
Introduction: 3:26:08
Shared Preferences: 3:29:01
BMI Calculator: 3:45:59
Working with Media Files: 4:40:22
Media Player API: 4:43:49
Android Video View: 5:27:08 https://developer.android.com/referen… https://developer.android.com/referen…
Code Samples:
Shared Preferences: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/S…
BMI Calculator: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/B…
Media Player: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/C…
Video View: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/V…
References for self-studies: https://guides.codepath.com/android/S…
Day 4: ViewModel & LiveData, RecyclerView, Coroutines
Introduction: 5:36:01
ViewModel: 5:48:38
LiveData: 5:55:20
RecyclerView: 6:00:15
Coroutintes: 6:35:26
Coroutines Dependencies: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.cor…
ViewModel & LiveData Dependencies: https://developer.android.com/jetpack…
Code Samples:
ViewModel & LiveData: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/V…
RecyclerView: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/R…
Your First Coroutine Starter: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/C…
Final: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/C…
Change the thread of a coroutine Final: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/C…
ViewModel Scope Starter: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/V…
Final1: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/V…
Final 2: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/V…
References for self-studies: https://appdevnotes.com/android-viewm… https://appdevnotes.com/android-lived…
Day5 : Create local databases with Room
Introduction : 7:23:46
Build a Room CRUD app : 7:26:12
ViewBinding : 8:42:24
Room Dependencies : https://developer.android.com/trainin…
Code Samples:
Room : https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/S…
ViewBinding: https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/V…
Coding Challenge : https://github.com/AnushkaMadusanka/S…
Day6 : Android Services, Networking with Retrofit, Notifications
Introduction : 9:04:14
Services : 9:04:48
StopWatch App : 9:21:26
Retrofit : 9:47:40
Notifications : 10:33:08 https://square.github.io/retrofit/ https://github.com/square/okhttp/tree… https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com
Code Samples:
Day7 : Fragments & Navigation Components
Introduction : 10:45:53
Fragments : 10:47:20
Navigation Components: 10:55:38
Code Samples:
- Fragments
- LiveData
- View Binding
- RecyclerView
- Jetpack Room
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin OOP
- Single Activity architecture
- Navigation architecture components (NavHostFregament, NavController, Nav Graph)
- Gradle build files
- Services
- Retrofit networking
- Notifications
- 计时器
- 学生信息管理
- 用户注册向导