Ultimate Speed Secrets notes 笔记

走线,找好 turn in point(开始转向的点,Turn in point 之后逐步加大油门,提高速度,在 midcorner 阶段需要维持油门以维持速度和转弯半径来过弯。), apex(转向中离内道最近的点,不一定是开始全油门的点,过了 apex 就开始驶离弯道,转向角度一定是逐渐减小), turn out point(转向回 0 的点)


油门 modular 控制(从入弯开始,逐渐加大油门,只在 midcorner 阶段保持稳定。油门 percentage 由转向 radius 转弯半径决定:radius 决定了极限过弯速度,随着 radius 增大,极限速度增大,进而油门 percentage 可以增大)




Friction circle is the limit. Fill the circle.

Complete Shifting before turning.

Key to Shifting is rev match, aka timing.

Reference points:

  1. Corner Entry
  2. Midcorner
  3. Corner exit

Learning steps:

  1. Exit
  2. Entry
  3. Midcorner

Trailing break.

Set turn vs rotate turn. Late apex or not.